League Contacts

Upcoming Events

2025 Valley Cup

May 16-17, 2025
Cherry Island Soccer Complex
More Information

Annual General Meeting

June 4, 2024 at 6pm
Meeting Materials

2024 Indoor Tournament

Save the Date:
November 30-December 1, 2024

Looking for a Team?

We have you covered for team play or the next upcoming tournament. Fill out the form below.

Click Here

Executive Committee

Need to Forfeit? Avoid the fine by contacting Opponent, President, Referee Coordinator and Schedule Team the SUNDAY before the scheduled game.

President Nancy Valle nvalle747@gmail.com Forfeit Contact
Vice President / Secretary Tara Dunn svwsl.info@gmail.com
Treasurer Theresa Ellingsen tellingsen@comcast.net
Referee Coordinator Christine Smith christinesmith82787@gmail.com Forfeit Contact
Registrar Heather Ramil hlramil@hotmail.com
Fields Denise Osier deniseosier@att.net
Schedule Kim Erickson kimerickson55@gmail.com
Forfeit Contact
Equipment Coordinator Amy Zenardi a2soc@yahoo.com
Valley Cup Yolanda Nava
Jes Bargas
Recruitment and Marketing Kate Nettnay kate.nettnay@gmail.com
Website Team Tracy Brown
Sara Carew
Past President and PAD (Procedures and Disciplinary Committee) Chair Kathleen Casanave